Better voice, better life

3 unexpected ways you change on your fitness journey

What’s up Drip Fam,

Do you know what the best result of a consistent fitness regimen is?

It’s not the abs you see in the mirror.

It’s not the pecs you see bulging out of your t-shirt.  

And it’s not the compliments you get from people who notice you’ve lost weight.

It’s the unexpected transformations you go through internally. The lessons you learn about yourself as a human.

And while you may not know what I mean right now, throughout your fitness journey, you will gain an understanding for everything I am about to tell you.

Here are 3 surprising ways you change as a person throughout your fitness journey:

  1. You get way more energy for life 

  2. You meet your inner critic 

  3. You learn to believe in yourself 

You get more energy for life 

Eating nutritious foods fuels your body. Exercising energizes your body. Being on a consistent fitness regimen will improve the way you show up for yourself (and others) every day.

You meet your inner critic 

You learn to hear the voice in your head that says you will fail clearly. More importantly, you learn the habit of pushing that voice aside because you know they are lying. 

You learn to believe in yourself 

With each set and rep of good choices, your inner critic that says “You can achieve anything you work for” grows louder and more dominant. Because that is the real you finally coming to the surface. 

Choosing to build successful habits by treating your body better is one of the most important decisions a person can make. 

Give yourself a chance to win. 

Talk soon, 



Whenever you’re ready, here are some other ways I can help you:

  1. Follow me on Instagram @jonathanliftz. I produce motivational content and journey commentary. 

  2. Watch this interview where I discuss my fitness journey here. 

  3. Get coached directly by me in my custom, 6-month program. Fill out our intake form here.