From couch to coach

How to finally start losing weight

Hey Drip Fam,

I know how it feels. 

I was just like you. 

Sitting on the couch, eating take out, knowing I should be taking my health more seriously, but still taking that next bite of cheese fries. 

I had all the reasons in the world: a devastating breakup, depression from losing my mom, exhaustion from beating cancer, the list goes on. 

Yet, I still knew I was capable of living a more fulfilled life. 

So I started. 

I started eating by a meal plan, I started hitting the gym a few times per week, I started giving myself a chance to win. 

Suddenly, a week went by. Then 2 weeks. Then a month. Then 3 months. 

And as time progressed, so did my physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Next thing, I looked up and I had lost over 80 pounds, secured a high-paying engineering job, and become a completely different man. 

You can too. 

All you have to do is start. 

All you have to do is put the fork down, close social media, make a final decision to change your life, and start. 

And if you don’t know how, I can help you. 

I will make your weekly grocery lists and meal plans. 

I will design your weekly workout routines. 

I will help you stay on track with weekly accountability calls. 

I will make you a custom 6-month weight loss program that will completely change your body, and your life.

All you have to do is start. 

Reply “Get drippin’” to this email when you are ready to. 

Talk soon, 
